
On the 2nd of May 1957 ‘OVET’ (OVErslagbedrijf Terneuzen (Transhipmentcompany Terneuzen) was founded by the French stevedoring company Manufrance. Initially the company was only involved in stevedoring activities for the Association Cooperative Zélandaise de Carbonisation in Sluiskil, locally better known as the Cokes fabriek (Coke Factory). It did not take long before the company diversified its activities and also became involved as a shipping agent in the Scheldt Estuary.
OVET Worms
In 1971 the shipping agency of OVET decided to join forces with the French shipping company Worms & Cie, and continued their activities under the new entity and name ‘OVET Worms’.
OVET Worms Veder
In 1974, a third partner joined; the Rotterdam based ship owners Anthony Veder, and the company continued under the new name ‘OVET Worms Veder’.
OVET Veder
This situation lasted until 1988, when Worms & Cie decided to sell their shares. The company continued under the name ‘OVET Veder’.
Ovet Shipping
In 1998 also Anthony Veder decided to return to its core business as ship owner and sold all of her shipping agencies. OVET B.V., now remaining as only shareholder, established a new joint venture with the dry bulk agent in the port of Rotterdam: Bulk Maritime Agencies, which was part of Peterson Control Union, under the present name: ‘Ovet Shipping B.V.’
In 2019 BMA, and therefore Ovet Shipping, became part of Hudig & Veder, a family-owned company since 1795, specializing in shipping and logistics.
Liner Agency
Since 1996 Ovet Shipping is also acting as a booking agent for Jamaica Shipping Co. Ltd. This Jamaican shipping company operated a weekly service from Antwerp to Kingston and vice versa. The wide variety of different cargo, for example containers, pallets, cars, but also larger objects like trucks, cranes and cargo on project basis, makes that Ovet Shipping B.V. has built up a lot of knowledge as a liner agent.
Ovet Shipping today
Knowing the history also tells something about the present activities. The specific know-how of (former) partners have formed the solid basis for a number of core activities today. Through the relation with the stevedoring company Ovet B.V., Ovet Shipping has been able to develop as a specialist in the field of dry bulk cargoes, especially solid fuels, ores and fertilisers. Next to that, there is a profound knowledge and experience in handling liquid cargoes as well as forwarding of containers and project cargo. We are very proud of our history, having been part of some of the leading companies in shipping and logistics in Europe.
The last 50 years, quality in service has always been our main goal. On the 4th of September 1991 Ovet Shipping developed, as one of the first shipping agents in the Netherlands, and the first in the Scheldt estuary, a quality system in accordance with the ISO-9001 standard. On the 16th of July 2012 Ovet Shipping was Authorised Economic Operator Full (AEOF)-certified by the Dutch customs. Throughout the years, Ovet Shipping has not only maintained the system, it has been improved continuously.
Today, Ovet Shipping B.V. has developed itself as one of the leading shipping agents and maritime- and logistic service provider operating in the ports of Terneuzen and Flushing (Vlissingen), offering high quality and tailor-made services to our valued clients.